Andrey Krasnikov is a 34 year old Male fighter from Ukraine with a 14-8-0 pro MMA record.
Krasnikov most recently fought Ivan Vulchin at Road to WWFC on Sunday August 2, 2020.
Andrey Krasnikov lost to Ivan Vulchin by Decision at 5:00 of Round 2
in the Welterweight division.
Andrey Krasnikov has 14 wins with a 86% finish rate, including 6 by knockout, 6 by submission, 2 by decision.
Andrey Krasnikov is currently on a 2 fight losing skid.
Andrey Krasnikov's Last Fight
Loss • Ivan Vulchin DEF Andrey Krasnikov by Decision R2 5:00
Andrey Krasnikov's last five professional MMA fights
Andrey Krasnikov's MMA career highlights
Andrey Krasnikov's Professional MMA debut
Krasnikov made his professional debut against Tural Ardzymba on December 12, 2011, fighting on the regional circuit.
He made a winning start to his career, defeating Tural Ardzymba who carried a 0-0-0 professional MMA record into the fight.
Andrey Krasnikov beat Tural Ardzymba by Submission at 0:58 of Round 2.
When was Andrey Krasnikov's last win?
Krasnikov's last win came against Zaid Al Maktum at KARS FC 11 on Thursday October 31, 2019. Andrey Krasnikov beat Zaid Al Maktum by KO/TKO at 2:41 of Round 1.
Who is Andrey Krasnikov's next opponent?
Krasnikov is not currently booked for any fights.
When was Andrey Krasnikov's last loss?
Krasnikov's last loss came against Ivan Vulchin at Road to WWFC on Sunday August 2, 2020. Andrey Krasnikov lost to Ivan Vulchin by Decision at 5:00 of Round 2.
How many pro MMA knockouts does Andrey Krasnikov have?
Krasnikov has knocked out 6 opponents.
How many pro MMA submissions does Andrey Krasnikov have?
Krasnikov has submitted 6 opponents.
How many times has Andrey Krasnikov been knocked out?
Krasnikov has been knocked out 3 times.
How many times has Andrey Krasnikov been submitted?